Monday 110214

Intensification Phase Begins

Morning Only:
9 rounds for time of:
9 Push ups
18 Double Unders
9 Kettle Bell Swings

At the top of every minute, including the start of the workout, perform one squat clean (225#/155#) before resuming where you left off until all the work is done. You can't move on until that one squat clean is successfully completed.

Post results to comments.

This week's schedule:
Monday/Thursday/Friday - 7AM
Tuesday - 7:30PM
Only 4 Weeks left till Open competition

Muscle Beach, LA


Pingel said...

Morning! Could you text or email me the workouts for today? Thanks

Stacie said...

12:58 rxd - heavy, loved it!

Ricky Frausto said...

10:48 rx'd. Really heavy, like wrist breaking heavy. Ha.

Joe H said...

14:57 @ 198, heavy but not what I thought. Double unders were definately the hardest for me.

Addi said...

14:55 @ 143#

159# is my 1RM for squat clean, so 153# was a little out of reach - couldn't stand it up. Didn't miss any cleans, but I had to work for them. Pushups got tough at about round 4. DUs felt good after the 1st round jitters. And I <3 KBS. The end.

Nate said...

13:32 at 198. I mentally beat myself on the weight of the cleans before i even picked the bar up, causing the non-rxd wod.

Tovar said...

Well Hurley you finally dominated my time. :) I tried starting with 208 which lasted one rep plus three failed attempts. Quickly dropped to 198 and took me a while to get into a groove. Over two whole minutes between successful attempts. Didnt let it frustrate me though just took my time (lots of time) and got it done. Should have never started so heavy. 19:??

Shelley said...


Started w/ 153# and got that twice, missed at that weight twice so dropped to 143# and stuck with that weight. I missed once at that weight too. I spent way too much time on cleans with this one. DU's cooperated until last round when I rushed it so I wouldn't have to do another clean:(