Thursday 110512

On the minute
Complete 2 snatch balances on the minute for 15 minutes

Go as heavy as you can but stay within 5 to 10 pounds of that weight for all 15 sets.

5 rounds for time of:
5 Squat Snatches, 132#/92#
10 Toes to Bar
15 DB Front Squats, 40#/25#
20 Double Unders

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
3 Handstand Push ups
15 Dead-lifts, 137#/99#

100 V-Ups for TIME

Post all results to comments.

11.5 (Blah....)


Shelley said...

Started snatch balance with 99#, moved up to 104# for a couple reps, then to 109# for a few more reps and ended with 114# for last 5 reps. These got better with more reps.


19:06 Rx'd; felt decent first 3 rounds and was under 10 minutes, but the last 2 rounds were rough. I started missing/having to redo T2B in round 4; I did first round of T2B unbroken, then went 6/4 and broke up more in round 3. In rounds 4-5, I was all over the place on T2B.

All snatches were one at a time until last round I did 2 in a row though I power snatched then squatted which I hadn't had to do in rounds 1-4.

DU's I messed up twice and DB front squats were the best part of this WOD (all unbroken and good pace) though I rested way too much on T2B so I wasn't as tired as I should have been going into these. I need to do a better job of gutting through these type of WODS when I start to fall apart...

Thanks for cheering me on to the end everyone.

JonD said...

Worked up to heavy single for snatch

Snatch met-con

2nd part to come

Addi said...

HSPU/DL - 3 rds + 2 HSPU

HSPU started out strong in the first round, but quickly reached "shit show" status. Kept plugging away, but they were slow.

JonD said...

Update time,

400m run
odd rounds - 7 muscle ups
even rounds - 3 rope climbs
20min AMRAP

6 rounds plus 400m run and 4 muscle ups.

5 rounds
10 KB 2pood
15 cartwheels
20 hand release push ups
11:32ish I think.

Team workout on Saturday!
Team S'go
19:07 run and carry
967ish for reps!