Tuesday 1103

3RM Weighted Push ups w/ Feet Elevated 6" - Shelley, Rebecca, Stacie, Addi
3RM Bent Over T-Bar Rows w/ Towel - Jon, Dustin, Libby, Kyle

3 rounds, each for time of:
7 Kettle Bell Swings, 2/1.5 pood
60 yard shuttle w/o bumper
60 yard shuttle w/ red/yellow bumper
60 yard shuttle w/o bumper
Consecutive Triple Box Jump Over, 20/24/30 inch boxes
Rest 3 minutes


Meet at Westside High School for some stairs (7:45PM)

Post all results to comments.

Knee to Elbows


Pingel said...

Took a personal day on Monday to put in a wood floor in the living room and plum in a new kitchen sink! Anyway will do Mon work on Tues and Tues on Wed.

335 1RM Box Squat

RD 1 unbroken
RD 2 Burpees 20, 15, 15
RD 3 Burppes 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

Looking forward to the "Two Minute Defense"

Addi said...

Pushups - 33x3

Realized that my 55x5 last week was from too low. Oops. Fixed it for today.

Conditioning - 1:23, 1:24, 1:25

Love those jumps.

Kat said...

44x3 (blue)
Addi got that too.
Kept gettin faster.....I think it was figuring out how to hold the weight and not hesitating on the box jumps...

Shelley said...

3 RM weighted pushups: 44# elevated from red plate; failed at 55#

stair running: definitely can tell the similarities on my box jumps and the jumping over every other step; bunny hopped except for one trip up when I managed to do consecutive jumps for about 2/3 way up. It did help having Dustin yell at me to pump my arms on the straight sprints up.

I don't think I've done any stairs training since high school volleyball and track and it wasn't like this...

JonD said...

1RM Box Squat.

Time running out so only worked up to #288 and it felt good.

Pull ups (strict)
Did 10 each round but did drop from top of bar on the later rounds did no work the negative.

Run no push up burpee workout
10-9-8...-2-1 no push up burpee
and 200 foot run between each one.

BigD said...

Truth be told, if the pic was snapped a second later, you'd see I did toes to bar.