Friday 110624

Dead-lift 8x1 (60 secs rest b/w)
Use between 65-70%

For time:
15 Thrusters, 154#/104#
1 Full Gasser
10 Thrusters
1/2 Gasser
5 Thrusters
1/4 Gasser


AMRAP in 8 minutes:
800 meter run
4 Legless Rope Climbs (guys from seated position)
6 Rope Climbs
20 Hang Power Cleans, 165#/114#

Post all results to comments.


Shelley said...

230# on 8x1 DL. (70% of my 1 RM of 329#)

15-10-5 thruster/gasser WOD:

3:23 when I finished last thruster and ran out the door for last run so don't know exact time

I didn't break up any thrusters though I did pause a couple times with the bar on my shoulder before continuiing in the 15 and 10 rounds. I tried to concentrate on using my hips more and letting the bar drop to my shoulders before descending down into the next thruster which I think helped a lot with my shoulders/arms not getting as tired.

Addi said...

213# DL = just over 70% 1RM

Felt strong and fast.

Thruster/Gasser = 5:16

Felt weak and slow. Thrusters were 8/7, 5/5, and 5. The gassers were rendered obsolete, as the thrusters left me plenty gassed all on their own. Had planned to focus on fast, crisp turns on the runs, but I was barely running, so it didn't really pan out.

Addi said...

Evening WOD = Redemption. Suck it, Filthy Fifty. You, too, heavy thrusters.

1 full round w/5 sec. left. This felt awesome... once the run was over. I always forget how much I freaking love hang power cleans. It's a lot.

CrossFit Hydro said...

Practice For Meet Next Weekend

Snatch - Planned Warm Ups and Went Thru Them At My Own Pace To See When To Start Next Week
- Platform Attempts
1. Opener - 203 - Make
2. 214# - Too Slow Under - Miss
3. 219# - No Way... Too Heavy

Clean & Jerk - Same
1. Opener - 253# - Good
2. 258# - Good
3. Skipped

Front Squat Test - 265 Best From 4 weeks ago... Did 270 a few days back - Hit 275 on second try

About to do some hamstring, stability, row work...

Metcon Tonight... Longer with lots of running in it for the 5K in a few weeks... :(