Thursday 110623

Weaknesses and/or Make-up

Use this time wisely. I've also developed an upper body linear program for strengthening muscles needed for hspu if you ladies want to follow it. I gonna start Rebecca on it this Monday.

Swimming @ Westside HS (7:30PM)
Jen Feyerherm will be there as well helping out.

Post results to comments.

For you Reba

A couple for all of us:

Hip Flexor/Quad and Shoulder/Thoracic


Addi said...

Yes, please, to upper body program. HSPU = WEAK.

Shelley said...

I went in at 6 and made up the 20 minute AMRAP with modifications:

2 muscle ups from standing on the box; If I didn't make it, I did up to 4 attempts
4 HSPU's
8 per side single arm bent over DB rows (40# for first 3 rounds and 45# for rest) I did rows per advice of Jess to help balance out some of the Crossfit movements and to help with my shoulders wanting to pull forward.

I made it through all HSPU's of 6th round.

Muscle ups from box were successfull first 2 rounds then Jon moved height down to plates so I wasn't able to jump as much and I failed the next 3 rounds to get any and made my last 2 which were probably the best (and hardest).

My first 7 HSPU's were strict, then I did one kipping to finish out second round. Rounds 3-4 were 2 strict/2 kipping and rounds 5-6 were 1 strict/3 kipping. I never strung more than 2 in a row of strict and kipping were all singles.

The 45# weight on DB rows felt right; the last 2-3 reps on each side were tough but not impossible. These were easier on my left side than my right.

Some day soon I see muscle ups in my future!!!

HSPU's were pretty good overall (for me) as I don't know that I've done 24 in a workout before in 20 minutes. I can definitely tell my endurance isn't there for high reps so I'm also interested in the "upper body program" Ricky has to improve on these.