Tuesday 110621

WOD (3 of them today)
Clean + Front Squat x 1 x 5 (Heavy, no need to reach max)

Row 1000 meters
Rest 3 minutes
Row 1000 meters

Heavy Met-con

Extended Met-con
AMRAP in 20 minutes of?
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push ups
8 Sumo Dead-lift High Pulls, 110#/77#

Post all results to comments.

Libby DiBiase


Addi said...

Congratulations, Kyle and Macy!

Shelley said...

148# on squat clean; I forgot the front squat part so did front squat on only 2 of the reps. 163# is my 1 RM squat clean so just over 90%. The front squat is the easy part of this for me. I still need to work on clean technique to get full extension.

Row times were:
4:03 and 4:08 with 3 minutes rest in between each.

Rowing felt slow from the beginning, and my legs were feeling it.

Stacie said...

Couldn't get myself out of bed this morning. Odd. Sorry for being late guys.

Squat Clean + Front Squat:
166 - 5 x 1

Row 1000:

Addi said...

Clean + Front Squat

168 = 1RM, so 148 is about 85%, and 153 is just over 90%

Felt heavy, but not too. Kept catching my cleans a little on my toes, though. Squats felt strong.


Hurt like hell. I used to be able to keep up with Ricky on the rower. Damn it.

Ricky Frausto said...

Clean + Front Squat (two squats)
242 x 1 x 5

About 88-90% depending on the day.


Gotta get better. Got to get this to below 3:30.

WOD #2
Shoulders need to get stronger and able to handle heavy weights for longer.


CrossFit Hydro said...

Snatch Emphasis... 90% X3X1

Tall Snatch - Heavy
- Hit 143, but tried 154 and barely missed

Squat Snatch - 90%
185, 190, 195 - All Felt Easier

Snatch Pulls - 3X1
215, 225, 235

Front Squat - See if the Russian Squat Program has worked again
- Old Max For 2X2 - Was 265 Last Time I Check... 265X2, 270X1,1
* Added 10 lbs in less than 3 weeks so not bad

100m Row Sprint (Sub-19 Seconds)
3 Rope Climbs (13')
5 Log Clean & PP (135#, I Think)
4 RDS.. Not Timed and Not Pushed Too Fast... Around 8 Mins or so

Super Strict Toes To Bar 2X8
- Worked Hollow Position, Legs Together and Pointed Toes

Pingel said...
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Pingel said...

Clean + Front Squat
242 x 1 x 5

3:29 for both rounds

20 plus 40 workout

Evening Extended Met-con
15 rds
Muscle-ups and Handstand Push UPs were unbroken

I did 10 Sumo Dead-lift High Pulls by accident! 10 unbroken for the first 10rds then broke it up 6 and 4.

Stacie said...

Evening: 7 rds rxd

Addi said...

Evening: 7 rounds, 1 muscle-up

HSPU fell apart as expected, but started out okay. Need to stop letting my frustration get the best of me when these fall apart. Rested too much on the muscle-ups - did singles rounds 2-4, but could have done all doubles. Don't know why I didn't. They felt great when I started again. Took a while to find a rhythm (and the center of the bar) on SDHP, but they felt pretty decent by the end.

Excited for a rest day.

Tovar said...

For the morning cleans I used 184 for most of the rounds b/c my hands are semi torn from Monday's CFO wod.

1st row was in the 3:40's and 2nd row was in the 3:50's. I need to continue working on row even though I hate doing it.

CFO wod I finished in 4:42. I dropped the bar after the 14th rep of overhead and then missed two clean attempts when I tried to pick it back up. I should have never set it down or put it on my back while resting. This probably cost me about 30 seconds. The burpees were tough afterwards.

Ended up 2 sumo reps short of 12 rounds on the AMRAP.