Tuesday 110628

15 Minutes to find a 1RM Barbell Turkish Get up

followed by,

10 rounds, not for time of:
2 Ring HSPU / 2 HSPU
5 Kettlebell Windmills 1.5/1 pood
9 Barbell Roll-outs


20 seconds on / 10 seconds off - 15 intervals
Power Clean, 132#/99#

Post all results to comments.


Addi said...

You would program a 1RM TGU on a day I can't stay for 7:00. Conspiracy!

Shelley said...

1 RM TGU 53#; I did one each side with 33# women's bar and then added 5 pounds at a time alternating each side. It took me two attempts before getting 53# and at 58# I got stuck.

I got in 6 rounds of 2 HSPU's,5 KB windmills and 9 barbell rollouts at the 8 am. mark.

The HSPU's were all strict doubles, windmills I found myself slightly bending my leg and the barbell rollouts were harder than I expected. My hamstrings were tight on these so I don't know if I was tightening my whole body or what, but I felt these everywhere.

Addi said...

Going to try to get in the TGU and as much of the HSPU/windmill/rollout work as I can tonight - otherwise, I'll try to get in for it tomorrow morning. Either way, I'm pretty pumped for them. Rollouts are going to destroy me.

CrossFit Hydro said...

3 Step Box Jump - 5X3
- Hit 51"

HSPU Skill Work... Holds, Reps Facing The Wall, Freestanding HSPU's

Rope Climbs - 15'
- AMRAP in 60 seconds, rest 60 secs
3 RDS - Hit 5 Each RD

100 Yard Sprints - Min on Min X 10RDS
12-13 Seconds For All RDS

Shelley said...

Power clean intervals:

6 each interval; I had between 2-4 seconds left before the rest period began after each one. The last 3-4 rounds I felt my grip/forearms start to go and ended up dropping the bar after 4 reps and then going as fast as I could do get the next 2 reps.

This was tough, but it wasn't as bad as I first imagined it would be.

Optimum Fitness said...
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Addi said...

5 power cleans/interval. Realized right away I should have done 6, so just tried to get the 5 done as quickly as possible. Usually had 9 seconds left. 6 would have been doable.

Addi said...

77# TGU

I'm fairly certain I've done 88# before, but it's been a while and I was probably about 20# heavier. I maybe could have squeezed another 5-10 out of it today, but it would have been rough, and I had already taken more than 15 min.