Friday 110225

Morning Only:
1A. Ten rounds, each for time of:
Prowler Push, 120 feet (60x2)
8 KB Swings, 2/1.5 pood
8 KB Goblet Squats, 2/1.5 pood
Rest until it's your time again.......

Direct mid-line stability work to follow (time permitting)

Post experience to comments, Ha.

Rebecca Wattier, circa 2008


JonD said...

Well lets just say 10 rounds is just about right for this workout!

Fun times working out with a group, great job everyone.

Prowler = good afternoon nap!


Nate said...

That was a fun and different. Nice way to end the week, even my quads are screaming with the joys from this. Great job every one.

Shelley said...

This was tough, but I liked it! The worst part was the first couple steps walking after the prowler push.

I did all movements unbroken each round, but I did set the KB down in between the swings and the squats and took a couple deep breaths.

Great work by everyone!

Good luck Nate with the move! I'll miss your party tonight as I'm watching a friend's daugher overnight.

Addi said...

I can't believe I can still walk upright after that nonsense. It was a good one, but it was LONG and painful. I was glad Stacie and Libby were there at the same time - that would have been way less enjoyable to do alone.

I've really been enjoying the programming in general, even though it's been well outside my preferred 5 minute time domain. :) I look forward to the rest days, but as soon as they come around, I start itching to get back at it.