Saturday 110416

For those of you not redoing 11.4

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1 or 2-2-2-2 reps

I would like you to warm-up to about 85% (singles) or 78% (doubles) or so before your first working set. This should take you about 3 to 5 warm-up sets.

2x400 meters (2 minutes rest b/w)
3x200 meters (1:30 minutes rest b/w)
4x100 meter sprints (1 minute rest b/w)

HSPU, Pull ups, Ring Dips, Pistols, Abdominals (work on all or work on one but work)

Post all results to comments.

Brandon Berry


Shelley said...

Did 8x2 sets of power snatch; I forgot how many sets we were supposed to do, but had 8 in my mind. I did first 5 sets at 87# and last 3 sets at 92#; these felt pretty good; I'm getting smoother with the movement, but still need to work on full extension and being quicker with the movement.

Thanks for the tips/feeback Addi on snatch. Sorry for telling you I thought it was 8 sets when it was only 4!

The runs were hard. The first 400 felt fine, but after that, my legs felt so heavy.....

I'm looking forward to the last 2 games WODs being announced.

Addi said...

I was glad we did 8, Shelley - felt good to get in the extra practice! I forget exactly what weights I used, but I think I started at 92 and worked my way up to 102? 107? Worked on getting under the bar faster - stil too slow, but they felt improved.

Sprints were fun - the rest times were painful, but the runs felt really good. I was glad we stalled to watch the 11.4 heats - having Ricky out front to chase definitely made me push the 400s a lot faster than I would have otherwise. Not that I came anywhere near catching him...