StrengthBarbell In-Place Lunges 4x6 ea leg (Heavy Sets Across)
(Front foot to a yellow bumper, back knee touches ground)
For time:
With 3 people to a rower, each alternating 250 meters, accumulate 6000 meters.
CFO WODEvening:
ConditioningIn teams of up to 3, one person working at a time, complete the following sequence, 4 rounds each, for time:
Sprint 200 meter run
15 Back Extensions
15 Glute-Ham Sit ups
Post results to comments.
Little Variation Of A CFO Workout From Last Week
500 Yard Shuttle
(100-75-50-25 & Back)
50 DU's
300 Yard Shuttle
100 DU's
150 Yard Shuttle
150 DU's
50 Yard Shuttle
(25 & Back)
Immediately Upon Completion...
10 750# Tire Flips
- 13:30ish -
Main Site WOD tonight..
Barbell lunges: 118#
The first set I dropped the bar halfway through and looked over at Ricky not really know what the heck just happened. It definitely caught me off guard, but I think I hesitated while in the lunge position and stumbled backwards. I stayed with that weight and it was fine for the remaining sets.
As for rowing, I need to work on technique here too as I'm not as efficient as I could be.
Evening conditioning was a nice change from last night.
I am really looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
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