Strength Sumo Dead-lift - Work up to a heavy single
5 rounds of: (as fast a you MF can)
5 Bent Arm Back Extension Roll (see video below)
60 yard shuttle (5b-10b-15b)
Rest 1 minute
Spend the rest of the hour working on L-holds, muscle-up transitions, hspu variations, etc.
No CFO WOD Today Evening
Bring a wristwatch because we'll start out with tempo runs.3 x 2-minute goes (run as far as you can in 2 minutes)
Rest 2 minutes
followed by
Weighted Hollow Rock Intervals
15 on / 30 off x 6 (db's in each hand, go as heavy as you can)
Post results to comments.
Just Some Off Day Work..
800m Runs Between Muscle Up Work..
3X3 In A Row Strict Muscle Ups With False Grip... The New Wood Rings Make A HUGE Difference...
1 False Grip Plus Turnout Muscle Up Every 30 Seconds For 5 Mins... No Problems at All
800s were on the treadmill since its so freaking hot... 3:30 to 2:45 at my best... Just a moderate pace
Sumo DL = 284
Failed at 299. In retrospect, I have no idea why I made that big of a jump. Was hoping to get 300ish. Still, it was fun to do something a little different.
Loved playing with the back rolls. Even if I left half my left shoulder on the floor. Shuttle turns remain embarrassing, but maybe a little less so today. Felt better, anyways.
Tempo runs - need to keep control of my breathing. First 2 felt great, but couldn't keep it together for the 3rd. It was so painful.
Hollow rocks suck my will to live. My body control just crumbled after 10 seconds on most of them. These were mentally defeating for me - I would have rather relived that 3rd run again.
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