Thursday 110210

1A. Weighted Pull ups
Find a heavy, what would be a possible 3RM, and complete 5 perfect singles at that weight. Rest 2 minutes between sets.

2A. Whittman-Like
7 rounds for time of:
15 Kettle Bell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
15 Power Snatches, 88#/58#
15 Box Jumps, 24 inch box

Evening (any class):
1A. MobilityWOD below

2A. 30 Minutes to Work on Aspect of Your Performance that You Feel is a Weakness (Set a clock, no shorter/no longer. Don't waste time here, get better at something)

3A. 4 rounds, each for amrap of:
Burpees, 30 seconds (max speed)
Rest 2 minutes

Rounds 2 & 4, set a gymnastic ring 1 foot above reach and touch every rep.

Post results to comments.

Watch video, spend ten minutes working the hips out hard.


Pingel said...

Good Morning! Newbie to the training team, my name is Jonathan Pingel. I am doing the morning workouts on my own at Westside Middle School. Afternoon I will be at CFO and night workouts will be in my living room after I get the kids to bed. Did my weighted pull-ups with 35lbs and clocked a 20:10 time for “Whittman-Like”.

Addi said...

Weighted pullups - 25#
My last recorded 1RM was 20#, but that's at least 6 months old, and 25# felt pretty good. Now I really want to find a new 1RM. I particularly enjoyed the smug looks I got from the elliptical crowd watching my 2-minute rests.

30 minute weakness work - handstand walks
Did the head/shoulder/hip tap drills and some lateral walks on the wall for 10-15 min. 10 minutes handwalk - the most I got without falling was 12 steps... got more consistent around 5-8 towards the end. Rested a couple minutes and then did max distance in 3 min. Got across the width of the basketball court. Not very far, but I was interrupted by a personal trainer's client of questionable mental stability who kept asking if I had been on TV. Apparently she once saw someone doing something on their hands on TV, so clearly I had also been on TV.

My shoulers were smoked.

Whittman-like: DNF
5 rounds, 8 snatches
Amanda told us there was a cut-off, but we didn't know what it was - took a guess and called it at 15. I probably rested a little more than I should have, but I didn't break up swings or jumps. Snatches were mostly 8/7. 53# is an annoying weight. Damn training plates.

Stacie said...

25# pull ups
Hand stands, butterfly, knees to elbow and KB press
17:47 rxd

Addi said...

Burpees - 15, 14, 13, 13

Much better than expected - these felt good. Well, as good as burpees ever feel.

Stacie said...

Thanks Addi almost forgot!

Burpees - 13,11,13,12

Nate said...

1a. roughly e60 some pounds. dont remember exact.
2a 19:33 possibly did 8 rds, dont know, extra work never hurt though. if not, then those were 7 brutal rounds.

1b. felt glorious added last weeks mobility as well.
2b. thrusters
2c. 14-13, 13-13,13-13