Friday 110701

For time:
155/104 pound Squat Clean, 15 reps
30 Toes 2 Bar
30 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
15 Muscle-ups
40/25 pound Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead, 30 reps
30 Double Unders
132/92 pound Thrusters, 15 reps
30 Pull ups
30 Burpees
300 feet Walking Lunge w/ 44/22 pound plate overhead

CFO Team Workout

3 rounds for time of:
50 Kettlebell Swings, 2/1.5 pood
200 meter run
100 Double Unders

Post all results to comments.

Roof billboard on approach to LAX


Pingel said...

Morning Workout: DNF

Ran out of time and did not do the lunges, I also had to use the tape for the muscle ups. What a great workout!

Kyle could you text me you phone number just in case I need to change plans.

I don't know if Kyle reads this so if anyone else has his number could you post it for me or text it to 402-429-5209.

See you all Sun!

Shelley said...

30:14. I subbed muscle ups from a box and worked on the transition part, paused, then locked out at the top.

I thought this was tough!! I broke up squat cleans 10/5, T2B sets of 3 until the last few were singles, shoulder to OH 10/10/10, thrusters 8/7 and pullups 5/5/3 then 2's and a single. Burpees were slow.......and the lunges with plate overhead completely fried my legs. I thought my shoulders would be on fire, but it was my legs which surprised me some because they can usually withstand a lot more, but I felt it today. DU's were unbroken! haha.....I've got to find something positive, right?!

Shelley said...


I looked up the '09 games to see what others did on this WOD:

women's box jumps were 20" and muscle ups were 10; squat cleans were 100# and thrusters 95# so essentially the same weights as we used today.

The winner did it in 18 min and something while Tanya Wagner who won overall got 7th in this WOD at 29:34.

I think Miko Salo won it in 19 something for the guys.

Way to kill it Stacie!!!

Stacie said...

Thanks, Shelley.

24:50 rxd

Addi said...

25:31 rxd

Damn it, Stacie! I wish I had seen the clock. I think I could have pushed out another :42. At least I beat Tanya. :)

Tried to push the rests shorter between muscle-ups, but probably still under-estimated myself. Box jumps were shitty again. But I did butterfly pullups for the first time in a workout. Set of 8, set of 6, and then doubles and triples. They felt really solid (for me).

Lunges can suck it.

Shelley said...

Did evening WOD:

22:38. This was harder than I thought it would be. 50 swings for 3 rounds takes it toll. I broke them up differently each round, just tried to keep moving on the runs and DU's wore me out cardio wise as I was sometimes stopping without having messed up.

Addi said...

Made up the evening WOD this morning at my cousins'. It was rough, to say the least. Didn't string together as many swings as I thought I might, but it wasn't terrible. No time, because I forgot my stopwatch at home.