Tuesday 110705

Kyle (12 minute cut-off)
21-15-9 reps of:
Dead-lift, 315
30 inch box jumps

Dustin (12 minute cut-off)
21-15-9 reps of:
Dead-lift, 275
30 inch box jumps

JonP & Reba, together as a team (20 minute cut-off)
9-9-7-7-5-5 reps of:
Snatch, 92#

Ricky & Addi (20 minute cut-off)
Row 20 calories
30 Burpees
40 Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead (45/35lb DBs)
50 Toes to bar
100 foot Overhead walking lunge (45/25lb plate)
100 foot Sprint

Shelley (20 minute cut-off)
50 Pull ups
60 Kettlebell Swings, 1 pood
100 Double Unders
40 Overhead Squats, 65 pounds

Stacie & Libby (13 minute cut-off)
Run 800 meters
30 Full Snatches, 92#
Run 800 meters

CFO Hero Workout

Back Squat - 3x5 (sets across)
Warm-up - 5/3/2/2

For time:
25 Squats
25 Push-ups, Hand Release
25 Pull-ups, Men-Traditional/Women-Butterfly
25 Sit-ups
50 Squats
50 Push-ups, Hand Release
50 Pull-ups, Men-Traditional/Women-Butterfly
50 Sit-ups
75 Squats
75 Push-ups, Hand Release
75 Pull-ups, Men-Traditional/Women-Butterfly
75 Sit-ups

We have 3 weeks left of training and I now need everyone in full go mode. If you can't be with the team for a workout, you need to let me know and I need to see you make it up. Also, you can come in between 1 and 4pm for CFO workout if that fits your schedule better so that you have more time between it and the evening workouts. Make sure you are eating enough (translation, a lot) and have adequate intake between workouts. There are no excuses, no too tireds, no not enough sleeps, no had a rough weekends, no anything (just think $8000).

Post all results to comments.

Coming up with strategy. All too important.


Shelley said...


I broke pullups up a lot: started w/ 7, quickly went to 5's and then even 4's, 3's and a couple 2's to finish. These took me 3:28 (wanted to know my time on these as pullups aren't fast for me)

Swings were broken up in 4 sets of 15 and DU's were broken up but not much. OHS felt really good, and I broke them up 15/15/10.

Tonight's WOD is going to be brutal...... I'm icing my back as I type this as it's tight and I might smell like biofreeze at 7:30.
Good job everyone on the different WOD's.! I didn't get to see them all as we were going at the same time but what I saw/heard, everyone was pushing it!

CrossFit Hydro said...

Starting To re-integrate more WOD back into my lift dominate programming... Looking at 3-4 WODs per week and moving up 1 every two weeks as long as my strength and power numbers keep progressing...

Snatch Balance - 2 Reps (1 Hi, 1 Low)
- 88, 110, 135, 155 - Speed Work

Two Weeks Working With A 3RM
- Weight Cap Is 80% 1RM - 175
88, 110X2
154, 165X3 - Try For 175 Next Week

DL (5/3/1) - Moved Max Up 5#
235X5, 270X5, 309X11 (1 More Than Last Time I Rep'd This Weight Out)

Kipping Pull Ups (Traditional, CTB)
- Working On No hyperextension & Keeping Hollow Position - 4X10
SS w/
GH Sit Ups
10's - Same, No hyperextension

Running Tonight and Then Front Squat & Main Site WOD Tomorrow

Addi said...

14:11 on the chipper

After doing Morrison right before, I honestly didn't know if I'd finish. It was tough, but not as bad as I'd made it out to be. Keeping up with Ricky was never even an option.

Shelley said...

223# on 3x5 back squat which is 84% of 1 RM (267#). These felt pretty good overall and I moved my toes in a bit compared to how I had been squatting before.

DNF on 25/50/75 WOD:

I got through 50 pushups in the round of 75. I did all regular kipping pullups.

Addi said...

184# 3x5 back squat = 82% 1RM

Not bad, but not great. My knees were moderately cranky, but cooperated reasonably well.

DNF 25/50/75

50/75 pushups

Pushups, squats, and pullups went prettty well. Butterfly technique is coming along nicely - still a ways to go, but progress! Situps in the round of 50 were AWFUL. Who gets slowed down by SITUPS?! I am terrible at these. It's getting kind of embarassing.

Stacie said...

11:50 rxd - I definitely sightsee'd a little too much during the 800 runs. Easy to do alone, I guess?

23:19 rxd

DNF, was on 15 of 75 pull ups at the buzzer. Finished those and eventually did sit ups at home. I'm with you Addi. I am an AWFUL sit-up-er!

CrossFit Hydro said...

Holy Heavy Metcon... Long One Too... Yikes

Front Squat (Russian Squat Program)
6X2 @ 80% - 220# On 2 Min Clock

Row 24 Calories
12 DB Push Press (55#)
12 SDHP (135#)
12 Burpee Stick Jumps (24")
12 Power Cleans (155#)
12 Strict Pull Ups
Row 18
Then 9 Reps Each
Row 12
Then 6 Reps Each
- 18:30 - Tough One...