5 rounds for time of:
5/2 Muscle-ups
7/4 Handstand Push ups
10 Power Cleans, 145#/99#
200 meter run
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We have a meeting this Sunday at 9:30AM. We will discuss training from then until the regional along with my expectations from you all. I will have the itinerary for when we'll be working out and at what times. On Sundays, the team will compete as a team. Individuals will be taxed to the max. If you give me your all, I will prepare you for your greatest performance on Memorial weekend. We will be hitting at least 2 times in the gym if not 3 on some or most days. It'll be fun. If you can't make it to workout with the group, please let me know so we can make permanent accommodations.
We're not okay with just making it, we're out to win. I hope you're on board.
Metcon = DNF - 4 rds + 2 HSPU in 20 min. Kept the HSPU strict - had to stick with singles and lots of rest, but they didn't crash too badly. Muscle-ups and power cleans felt awesome. Running was running. At least it was sunny.
MEUB = 5x3 HSPU with red bands facing the wall - tough! Did this after the metcon so I could stick to strict there without spending 19:45 staring at the wall.
Metcon: 15:32 Did jumping muscle ups/practice to sub for muscle ups; HSPU's were 3 strict and 1 kipping for first 2 rounds and 2 strict and 2 kipping for rounds 3-4 and 1 strict, 3 kipping for 5th round; I was able to not break up HSPU's except for last round I had to do 3/1; cleans were unbroken except for last round and runs seemed ok. I worked on muscle up progression afterwards and will continue to practice these until I can do a muscle up.
I was pleased that HSPU's were the easiest they've been when part of a workout. Earlier today after doing 11.6 wod, I was able to do 4 sets of 3 strict and 1 set of 2 strict, but it's completely different doing them in a workout versus stand alone.
160 Press 3RM, 17:29 met-con, runs need to be better.
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